• Cheddar and Fig Stuffed Chicken Breasts and Pappardelle

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    The Good, the Bad, and the Hungry

    So obviously I’m not shy when it comes to being active on social media. I was on Twitter when it was still cool, Instagram is like my own personal crazy cat lady diary, I even had MySpace back in the day (please tell me that one is good and buried). I also recently braved the…

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  • Wrapped.

    It’s official: season four of Family Law is now in the can. She’s wrapped, baby. Nowhere to be. No more 5am calltimes. Just wide open spaces ahead and a proverbial glass half full of hope and possibility and also wine, there is wine in there. It’s hands down the best part of being freshly on…

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    You guys! Welcome to my brand spanking new website! I finally made it happen! Does this make me a grown up now? Truly, one of my goals over the last few years (okay, ten) was to create a space online that felt like me, a place to create, to experiment, and to update you all…

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  • What the Furikake?

    Don’t know if you’ve heard, but the film industry is rather quiet lately.  Strikes are happening (and rightly so), which means a lot of actors and writers and crew members are, for the first time in what feels like a long time, free to make actual summer plans.  Except when you’re used to working all…

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    Us Time

    So, recently we went on Vacation to the Mayan Riviera.  A special kind of Vacation, one that deserves to be capitalized.  Because this was a true, non-work involved, no baby allowed, only trashy novels and naps and margaritas allowed vacation.  There was no cooking, no cleaning, no laundry to be done, and no schedules (except…

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  • Show-Off Dinner

    I love being lazy. It’s a true art form. I have been known (before children) to lie in a living room fort for eight hours at a time, breezing through movies and whole seasons of TV shows and only rolling toward the door to let the takeout guy in. I am happy to live in…

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    Wild Love

    Hellooooooooooo! It’s been awhile. I know. But I have a really good excuse. Eventually (this is shocking), I stopped being so pregnant and gave birth to a glorious little spitfire named Wilder. I will spare you my birth story because a. that shit is weird, and b. I don’t entirely remember what happened because I…

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    Pregnant As F

    First of all, this post isn’t food-related. Maybe I’ll give you a recipe at the end if I feel like it, but I’m not making any promises, and if you don’t like my mood already, I suggest you stop reading now and revisit sometime in 2016. Why? Because I’m pregnant and at the point of…

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