Home / Blog / LAUNCHED!


You guys! Welcome to my brand spanking new website! I finally made it happen! Does this make me a grown up now?

Truly, one of my goals over the last few years (okay, ten) was to create a space online that felt like me, a place to create, to experiment, and to update you all on the news in my silly little life. If you were one of my HappyOpu readers, don’t worry– we’re still going to bask in all things indulgent, because your girl doesn’t know any different. My outlook has always been to find something worth celebrating, to enjoy what life has to offer, and to spread my findings to you, from my tiny corner of the world.

If following me on Instagram or TikTok has led you here, you can expect the same type of content: recipes, videos on how to cook those recipes, lists of my favourite things, show news, stories from set, and the occasional rant, naturally. I’ve always been so grateful for how supportive and safe a space my social media has been, and I’m excited to continue the good vibes on this beautiful, very grown up, long time a-comin’ website.

I’m so happy you’re here.


3 responses to “LAUNCHED!”

  1. Flo Avatar

    Love that you now have your own website!

  2. Christine Cassidy Avatar
    Christine Cassidy

    I love your new website! Gorgeous photos! Thanks for the recipes – I can’t wait to try some of them. And I love watching your cooking videos.

    I’m also excited about Season 4 of Family Law hopefully coming soon to CW. And I’m hoping that Family Law gets picked up for a 5th + Season.

  3. Michael Yarr Avatar
    Michael Yarr

    Been around since your early Twitter days and ain’t planning on leaving anytime soon! Congratulations!!

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